Leash Your Workout Program

The Leash Your Workout Program is designed to get dogs and their people to move more! Inspired by weight loss stories of people who have lost weight by walking their dog, our goal is help dog owners (and dog too!) get healthier.

Who is our ideal dog client?

A friendly dog is a dog who exhibits no dog or people aggression. If your dog doesn’t like to be around other dogs, has bitten another dog or a person in the past, is not comfortable or trustable around other dogs then the Leash Your Workout program IS NOT for you. If your dog is excited and barks around other dogs, pulls on leash, or is otherwise not calm and polite then this program MAY be a good fit. Give us a call and be prepared to tell us all about your dog.

Who is our ideal 2-legged client?

dog walk

Anyone who has a friendly dog and desire to move more with their dog. Participants will be required to submit a health questionnaire prior to beginning the program. If our trainer deems necessary, participants may also need to obtain written medical clearance from their doctor prior to beginning the program. Participants will need to sign a dog training and personal training waiver prior to participating as. You do not need to be a current or past Pepper’s Paws client to participate.

How the Leash Your Workout Program works

Dog owners sign up for the program via our online website. Once we review your information we will arrange a short call with you to go over any questions we or you have (at this point we will request medical clearance if necessary). If we have never met your dog, we may ask to meet your dog prior to participating in your first walk with us.

Each group dog walk will be about an hour long (2-3 miles depending on the pace of the group) and the location of the walk will vary. Your instructor is a certified dog trainer and also a certified personal trainer, so while walking we will discuss dog training tips and also fitness and exercise topics.

Other programs coming soon:

Leash your workoutLeash Your Workout+  – Workout programs for dogs and their people. The Beginner Program will focus on building core strength, balance, endurance, and flexibility. The Intermediate Program will focus on building strength and coordination.

Take a Hike! – Hiking outings for dogs and their people