4 Things to Consider Before Adding a 2nd Dog to Your Family

If you are thinking of adding a second dog to your family there are a lot of things to consider. Many times families focus on things like what a new pups’s name will be, what breed do they want, how old, where will go to get it; however, there are some more important considerations and decisions to make before embarking on your search for a new 4 legged friend.

[Full disclosure: the author is a proud dog mom to 4 great dogs]

  1. Does your current dog want a buddy? Not all dogs like other dogs. Some pups like to walk with other dogs but not play with them. Some like to romp and wrestle with their canine buddies. If your dog does not enjoy playing with other 4 legged buddies, Dogwhether in your neighborhood or in a daycare setting, there is a good chance he won’t like it in his home either. When considering adding a second canine, make sure to factor in your current dog’s sex (male-male and male female pairs tend to do better than female-female pairs), your current dog’s energy level (a senior dog may not see a puppy as a good couch buddy), and tolerance for other dogs (if your dog does not like other dogs, adding a second dog could be disastrous for both dogs).
  2. Time commitment – Put simply, two pups require twice the care and attention. Many times, pup number two is added to a family to keep pup number one occupied. Sometimes this results not in two well-exercised and happy dogs. Many times the result is two pups who chew shoes, dig holes in the yard, and get into other creative mischief. Don’t get me wrong, the pups have a blast together, but the owner now has twice the issues to deal with. You also need to factor in time to work on training both dogs (dog trainer secret: What is the best way to train two dogs? One at a time.) Is everyone in the family on board with helping with a second dog (or are at least enough family members on board so that the responsibility doesn’t fall to one person)?
  3. Financial considerations – Food bills, vet bills, and all other costs are close to double the amount for two canines versus one dog. Budgeting and planning, not to mention realistic expectation for this can prevent adopter’s remorse when it is time for annual wellness visits at the vet and it’s time to refill preventative flea, tick, and heart worm medications.
  4. Why do you want two dogs? – This is a personal question each family should ask itself. My best advice is to consider this carefully, along with the considerations above. Adding a second dog is a big decision. If your answer to this question is solely “to occupy my other dog”, I strongly suggest you reconsider your plan.

If you have really gotten to know your current pup’s likes and dislikes in terms of other four legged friends, are honest about how much time you have to give to two pups, come up with a budget, and do that gut check about why you want a second pup, and all signs point to “yes, the entire family would love a second dog” – go for it! A future post will offer some tips and things to consider in selecting your second pup and also so great resources for finding great dogs. Thinking of adding a new puppy to your pack? Check out our article Starting out Right with Your New Puppy!

Pepper’s Paws, LLC provides in home training in Rehoboth Beach DE and surrounding communities. We also Zoom dog training lessons for people who do not live in our private lessons service area of the Delaware Beaches.

Head trainer Deb Murray, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA is certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, an AKC CGC Evaluator, and a Distinguished Graduate and Mentor Trainer for the Catch Canine Academy.

10 Tips for Children and Dogs

As a dog trainer, the call I dread getting is the one that starts with “Our dog bit our child….”. When a dog bites a child,  even if it isn’t a medically serious bite, the relationship between the dog and the family can be forever changed. Many times the family no longer trusts the dog after a bite. They either re-home him or the dog is banished to the crate or a far away room whenever children are around. Most, if not all, bites to children can be prevented. Basic supervision, educating kids on how to safely and respectfully interact with dogs, and by managing the children’s and dog’s environment can prevent bites. These simple tips can help make interactions between dogs and children safer.

Our 10 Tips for Dogs and Kids

  1. Don’t let your kids hugs dogs. I know this is a bummer for kids, but most dogs don’t like to be hugged, especially by children they do not know. When I work with families with dogs, I ask the kids “how long do mommy and children superviseddaddy have a new friend before you give them a hug when they come over?” – the answer is usually  something like “a really long time”. I suggest families use this same rule of thumb with dogs. Don’t hug a newly adopted dog, or even one you have had for a few weeks. The dog will tell you when it is ready to be snuggled. He will lean into you, curl up next to you, or try to sit with you. These are all signs that he wants your affection. When he does this, pet him on his back or sides, and let him lean into you rather than hug him.
  2. Don’t leave children and dogs alone together. This one can be a bit trickier, but it is super-important to make this rule how you live with your dog. Some easy ways to do this is to teach your dog a “with me” command. When you, the supervising adult, needs to leave the room for a few minutes tell the dog “with me”. Pat your leg to get him to follow you. If you have trained this by rewarding the dog with treats, toys, or petting for following you, when you say “with me”, he will happily follow you out of the room and stay with you. If you can’t take the dog with you, teach him to love his crate, and he goes in the crate when you can’t be in the room to actively supervise the dog with the children.
  3. Teach kids how to approach a dog to see if she wants to be pet. Teach kids not to pet dogs on the top of the head. They also should not to reach for a strange dog or offer a hand for sniffing. Have your child pat his/her leg and then wait to see if the dog approaches. If the dog approaches, let him sniff your pant leg or shoes first. Then, if he stays there, pet on the back or side, not the face or head.
  4. Make sure your dog gets enough exercise. Tired dogs rest nicely in crates when kids are around. See last week’s post for ways to tire your dog out https://pepperspaws.com/tired-dog-good-dog/.
  5. Get to know your dog. Learn to read dog body language (check out this video for more info).Keep your dog’s annual vet check up. Dogs that are in pain or don’t feel well can be less than hospitable when children are around. Learn your dog – what does she do when she doesn’t feel well? What does he do when he is in pain? What does “normal” look like in your dog’s world? If you think your dog doesn’t feel well, let him rest in his crate, away from excited kids.
  6. Crate train your dog. If you need help with this, let us know.
  7. Let your dog eat in peace. Meal time is not a good time to pester, annoy, tease, or otherwise bother your dog. “Testing” your dog to see if you can pick up his bowl while he is eating is not a good way to teach him you are the boss. If you’d like other ways to teach your dog that you – the adult – being nearby at mealtime is a good thing, ask us.
  8. Have your kids help with training. Positive reinforcement training can be a great way for supervised dogs and children trainingchildren to bond. If you aren’t sure how to get started with this, give us a call – classes and private in home lessons are a great way to get started on this.
  9. Don’t allow kids or adults to rough house with the dog. I know, I know, I’m no fun. Trust me when I tell you rough housing is NOT a good way to exercise your dog. I have received more than one call about wrestling matches that ended with bites. If you want your dog to think you are a rock star, train him to roll over, retrieve toys, walk nicely on a leash so he gets lots of walks – he will love this way more than wrestling with you.
  10. When you think you need help, because you’ve seen your dog do something around your children that scares you, get help right then. Don’t wait until something bad happens and someone gets scared or hurt (to a child, getting scared can be just as bad as being bitten). If you wait, it might be too late. Help with dogs and kids is available!

Need help teaching your kids how to greet dogs, pet dogs, or read body language? We have a special program for families with dogs. Click here for more information: https://pepperspaws.com/about-peppers-paws-llc-dog-training/kids-dogs-training/

Pepper’s Paws, LLC provides in home dog training in Rehoboth Beach DE and surrounding communities. We also offer Zoom dog training lessons for people who do not live in our private lessons service area.

Head trainer Deb Murray, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA is certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, an AKC Evaluator, a Doggone Safe “Be a Tree” Presenter, and a Distinguished Graduate and Mentor Trainer for the Catch Canine Academy.

A Tired Dog is a Good Dog!

Do you have a dog that has tons of energy? A dog that, even after a long walk, wants to play and jump and romp around the house? Do you hear people say “a tired dog is good dog” and wonder how to achieve that with your dog? One of the tired Nalamisconceptions about dogs is that physical exercise is the way to tire them out; that long walks or playing fetch in the yard is the “thing” to do with their dog to tire the dog out. Physical exercise is very important for dogs but for many dogs, vigorous exercise achieves one thing: it makes the dog more fit, and therefore the dog needs more and more daily vigorous exercise to actually be tired. So what is a dog owner with a young, healthy dog to do?

A great way to tire out a dog is to make them use their brains, not just their bodies, to exercise. Unlike with physical exercise, dogs don’t develop a tolerance to mental exercise. When you are teaching your dog a new behavior or command or even a trick, his mind is working and that can be exhausting to a dog. If you can combine physical exercise with mental exercise, even better!

Here are some ways to tire out your dog – and your dog will love you for it!

  • Take your dog to daycare – Daycare is great for building social skills, and also because when dogs play they are thinking the entire time. The dialog in your dog’s mind goes something like this “Who is that? Does she want to play? Let me do a play bow to see? OK cool she wants to play – now I need to jump to show her I’m ready – oh wow she moved the other way, I need to chase her – uh oh now she’s chasing me – up and over the ramp I go….” And all the while the dog is running, jumping, wresting and thinking, and at the end of the day the dog is spent.
  • Train your dog – Impulse control commands like Stay, Leave It, and Go to Your Bed are all great ways to wear your dog out. These commands require your dog to work out what she needs to do to get the reward – and what not to do. In our classes, we have found that these commands are also great for teaching dogs not to nip and jump – because they learn to think before they act.
  • When you walk your dog also train your dog – When you head out on a walk, have a plan for what commands you want your dog to do along the way. A great way to build obedience into your walk is to have your dog sit at every corner and mailbox you pass. On a walk, the reward for sitting like this “Let’s go!” and the walk continues – no treats required if you dog already has a solid sit!
  • Make meal times learning times – Use your dog’s food as rewards for obedience commands. Put the food bowl out of your dog’s reach and ask for behaviors like Sit, Lay Down, Touch, and Stay and when your dog does them give him some of his food. It will take a few minutes longer to feed him but it is time well spent! Another great idea is to feed your dog using food puzzles like Kongs, Buster Cubes, Wobblers. To get the kibble out, your dog needs to manipulate or chew on the toy to get to the food – both are great mind exercisers!

Need help learning how to train your dog to tire him or her out? Our next round of group classes at Dogtopia starts September 6th – check out our class schedule https://pepperspaws.com/group-dog-training-class-schedule/ – we’d love to have you join us in class!

Why is my dog fearful?

A common question I get from dog owners is “Why is my dog afraid of (fill in the blank – men, children, bikes, new people…)?” Usually followed by the statement “He is a rescue, so he must have been abused”. There are a lot of reasons why dogs show fear of things, and in most cases it is not because the dog has been abused. Dogs can be born naturally fearful – the same way some people are born shy. Socialization is also a key factor in whether a dog will is shy or fearful.

Preventing fearfulness in puppies

In a puppy’s early development, they need to experience as much of the world they will ultimately live in as possible. They need to explore things like different types of flooring – carpet, tile, hardwood, even grass can all be scary to a dog who walks on it for the first time. It is very important that a puppy’s first experience with something new is positive – not scary or threatening to the pup. A great way to achieve this is to associate the new thing with play, praise, petting, or treats — all things that most puppies love!

Fears of new things in their environment

For example, I work with a lot of puppies that are afraid of steps. To help them overcome their fear, we use treats and praise to encourage the pup to go up one step. Once the pup realizes the step is not scary big deal, we encourage for 2 steps up. As his courage builds, we go for more steps between treats and the next thing you know going up steps is not a big deal, so we work on going down the steps the same way. The key to success is going slow, doing short sessions, and lots of good stuff for the pup – including making sure nothing scary happens like falling down the steps. This technique can also work with older dogs – but it may take a lot longer for the dog to build confidence so asking a trainer for help can be the best approach.

Fear of other dogs

If a puppy doesn’t meet other puppies, it is very common for the puppy to develop a fear of dogs. The best way to prevent this is to bring your puppy to a safe, well-run puppy class that includes off-leash puppy play. Before coming to class, be prepared to talk with the trainer and your vet about what vaccines your puppy must have become coming to class – our classes require a puppy to be at least 10 weeks old, have had 2 rounds of distemper vaccinations, and also a bordatella vaccination to prevent kennel cough. When your puppy first comes to class, she may be timid and fearful – and that is OK. Don’t force your puppy to interact with other puppies if she doesn’t want to – a great way to start socialization is for her to just watch the other puppies. Remember, keep it positive and not scary for the puppy.

Helping fearful adult dogs

Agility has helped Dixie build confidence. Her mom Jen couldn’t be more proud of her!

If you adopt an adult dog who shows fear towards men, strangers, kids, tile floors, etc. it is more likely to be due to lack of exposure/experience with these things than the having been abused. Just like with puppies, go slow with fearful adult dogs and let them explore their environment. Praise and reward them for braving the scary kitchen floor, and if they want to back away from something that scare them, let them. One of the worst things you can do to a fearful dog is throw them into a scary-to-them situation and just expect them to “deal with it”. I have seen this have disastrous results.

Training can help a fearful adult dog

If you have a fearful adult dog, training can be one of the best ways to help to your dog. Positive reinforcement training – where the dog gets rewards for doing behaviors (and does NOT get punished for not doing them) – can help show your dog that the world is not scary and unpredictable (and therefore dangerous), it can be fun and predictable (from your dog’s point of view – “this is awesome! I have figured these people out – if I want a treat or them to throw the ball for me, all I have to do is sit! I got this!”) Don’t laugh – it really works!

Don’t go it alone

Adult fearful dogs can be tricky to figure out, and even trickier to help them. This is one area where you definitely should not go it alone. If you think your dog has fear issues, don’t wait and hope it gets better, take steps to help your dog now. We have used everything from obedience training, agility training, group walks, in home environment and behavior consultations, calming sprays, essential oils, and referrals to veterinary behaviorists to help our clients with their fearful dogs. Every dog is different, and most can be helped. Need help with your fearful dog or puppy? Give us a call, we’d be happy to help you. Check out our new Fear Free Program.

Pepper’s Paws, LLC provides in home dog training in Rehoboth Beach, DE and surrounding communities. We also Zoom dog training lessons for people who do not live in our Delaware Beaches service area.

Head trainer Deb Murray, CBCC-KA CPDT-KA is certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, an AKC Evaluator, a Doggone Safe “Be a Tree” Presenter, and a Distinguished Graduate and Mentor Trainer for the Catch Canine Academy.

Back to School Time

Back to school time for kids is just around the corner. Time for new schedules, new routines, and new rules – for kids and dogs too.

From a dog’s perspective, back to school time for the kids can be boring, lonely, and downright scary for some dogs. Their days may go from kid action packed, to long stretches in the crate and without their people. This can result in destructive behavior, resurgence of the jumping behavior, excitable dogs that need an energy outlet, and other not-so-fun behaviors for dogs and their people. Here are some tips to help your dog settle into a new back to school routine.

Establish the back to school daily routine.

Will your dog’s day be spent in a crate while everyone is at work and school? Will this alone time start earlier than usual, now that the kids are off to school instead of day camp? Take your dog on a walk, off property and on leash each morning.Back to School While on the walk, let him sniff and explore a bit – this will help tire him out more than just a normal leash walk. A daily morning walk can do wonders to prepare your dog for a long nap in a crate while you are gone.

Training, which is a form of mental exercise, is a great way to start your dog’s day too. Instead of just putting a bowl of food down for your dog, have her to Sits, Downs, Touches, and anything else she knows to earn her kibble. This is also a good time of year to add to your dog’s behavior repertoire – teach your dog to Spin, Roll Over, or any other new behaviors that you can cue and then reward. Learning dogs are happy dogs! Your dog’s dinner time is another great opportunity to build training into your dog’s day – and you will be surprised how little time this actually takes at each meal!

After school, don’t forget your dog has been home all day and would love a walk! Schedule a family member to walk the dog everyday and both the walker and the dog will benefit from the exercise.

Once you decide what the new house routine will be, put it into effect NOW before the back to school routine for the kid’s starts. By giving your dog a few weeks to adjust to more crate or alone time and a different walking and training routine, the less he will be bothered by the change for the new school year. This will also help the family adjust to more structured time with the dog too!

When in doubt – add more exercise!

If you come from a long work and school day to find that Fido redecorated the family room on you (meaning he chewed shoes, emptied the trash can, otherwise got into trouble), a dog daycare or daily dog walk with a dog walker may be in order. Dogs left to their own devices can sometimes get into trouble, giving them a few days each week out with other dogs or dog walkers can be a great boredom buster and exercise outlet.

If you come home to chewed windowsills, damaged doorway trim, housebreaking accidents in a normally housetrained dog, it may mean your dog has separation anxiety. Contact Pepper’s Paws for a separation anxiety evaluation.

Back to school time can be exciting, challenging and stressful for families and dogs. The best way to ensure everyone adjusts to the new school year is to have a plan. Do you have your back-to-school plan yet?

Pepper’s Paws, LLC provides in home dog training in Rehoboth Beach, DE and surrounding communities. We also Zoom dog training lessons for people who do not live in our Delaware Beaches service area.

Head trainer Deb Murray, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA is certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, an AKC Evaluator, a Doggone Safe “Be a Tree” Presenter, and a Distinguished Graduate and Mentor Trainer for the Catch Canine Academy.

How to prevent your dog from jumping

Does your dog jump on visitors to your home? Jump on you and other family members? To a dog, jumping on people is great fun. They do it because it works – they get the attention that they want (don’t are good at telling “good attention” from “negative attention”. The first step in training your

Pepper sitting not jumping

dog not to jump on people is to train your dog to Sit. Once your dog has a rock solid sit, you can tell your dog to sit when someone approaches – a sitting dog can’t jump on people – and then guests can pet your dog for sitting.

Follow these steps to teach your dog to sit:

Step 1. Tell your dog, “Sit” in a cheerful tone of voice.

Step 2. Pause a second (count one-one thousand in your head), and then lure your dog into a sit by putting the treat up to her nose and slowly moving the treat backwards and up. Keep the treat lure close to your dog’s nose — if you move your hand up too quickly or too far away from their mouth, they may lose interest in the exercise or try jumping to get the treat.

Step 3. As soon as your dog’s backend hits the ground praise and treat. Repeat several times, so long as you and your dog are still enjoying yourselves. At this stage, it is important to praise your dog (“good boy!” or “girl girl!” works great) and give your dog a treat for every sit.

Step 4. Repeat the exercise several times over a few days. When your dog sits every sit you ask, it is time to take the treat out of your hand and use the verbal cue alone. If your dog makes a mistake, first try luring without the treat. Only put the treat back in your hand if all else fails.

Ask you dog to sit to get what he wants in life

Once your dog knows what “Sit” means, have them sit before going out doors, having a leash put on, on a ball thrown for him. The more automatic you can make sitting on command, the better. Think of your dog sitting as saying “Please” and ask for a sit anytime you would like your dog to be polite.

When guests come over tell your dog to “Sit” and have guests only pet the dog while the dog is sitting. If the dog gets up, the petting stops and the person turns their back and ignores the dog. Your dog will quickly figure out that sitting “works” for getting attention and petting, and jumping up gets them ignored.

Pepper’s Paws, LLC provides in home dog training in Rehoboth Beach, DE. We also Zoom dog training lessons for people who do not live in our Delaware Beaches private lessons service area.

Head trainer Deb Murray, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA is certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, an AKC Evaluator, a Distinguished Graduate and Mentor Trainer for the Catch Canine Academy, and APDT C.L.A.S.S. Evaluator and Instructor.


Did you know training your dog did this?

There are some obvious reasons to train your dog: to teach him sit, lay down, not pull on the leash, why else should you train your dog?

Dog training can have amazing effects on your dog’s personality, confidence, and energy level. It also gives people – including children – confidence around dogs. People who train their dogs feel more bonded with their dogs, and if you watch them with their dogs, their dogs are more bonded and responsive to them too. They also feel less stressed with their dogs – at home, at the vet, on walks, meeting other dogs and people. Here are a few of their stories….

Liam’s story

Liam used to be very leash reactive. He looked like a crazed, aggressive dog when he saw another dog – from as much as 100 yards away. But when he met dogs off leash in his back yard he happy and relaxed with most dogs. Brenda needed Liam to be Training Liam and Bearcalmer when he saw other dogs, and desperately wanted to be able to walk him with other dogs. We set out to desensitize him to seeing other dogs – we showed him seeing other dogs was no big deal, and we counter-conditioned him seeing other dogs by showing him that seeing dogs on a walk was a good thing – it made hot dogs appear! Over a few months Liam went from doing barky, scary threat displays when he saw a dog on a walk, to a dog who saw a dog and calmly looked at his mom for guidance and reward. Liam learned to not only walk with other dogs, he started to enjoy it and was even able to help other leash reactive dogs to settle as well.

Bella’s story

Bella used to be afraid of people. Strangers made her nervous and she was reluctant to go near them. To help her, we taught Bella

Training Bella
Don’t take Bella’s word for it – train with us and see for your self!


some basic cues – Sit, Down, Touch, Stay, and Leave It – and rewarded her generously for doing these behaviors on cue. Learning these basic cues helped Bella relax and feel more in control of her environment – in her mind I think she thought she had figured us crazy humans out: “I sit, and they give me a treat, or open a door, or take off my leash – it’s so easy to get these people to do things for me!” In reality, all we did was make Bella’s world more orderly and predictable. We did most of this training while Bella was in daycare without parents present. I knew Bella was getting more comfortable with me, but the real break through came when Bella showed her parents her new people skills. During my handover session with Bella and her parents, my assistant Eryn walked into the room. Bella had never met Eryn before, and she walked right up to Eryn to greet her and turned sideways and politely asked for pets. Through training, Bella learned basics commands and she gained confidence, and we were thrilled!

Maxi’s story

When I first went to Maxi’s home she was a frantic little dog. She seemed to be going in 3 directions at once – and nipping everything in site. Maxi was anxious and nervous, and showed it with her mouth and by jumping on people. We taught Maxi that doing Sits, and Down, and Touches, and Stays made her ball fly through the air, treats appear out of no where, and Training Maxipetting and love come her way. In one week, Maxi went from anxious and frantic to focused and calm. Her Mom started hand feeding her and making her work for food, ask politely to get on the couch, and ignored any impolite or pushy behavior. I think it showed Maxi that there was nothing to be anxious about, Mom had the world under control, and Maxi blossomed. Maxi isn’t a perfect dog, but her progress in 1 week was fantastic! Her Mom is thrilled with her and feels much more in control of her home, and her dog, who used to be too excitable to sleep on her bed, now rests calmly at her side each night.

I can’t promise every dog will have transformations like this, or as quickly as some of these dogs did, but I can promise you this: training your dog and working with your dog will teach you and your dog to understand each other better, will help you (and often your dog) feel more confident, and it is a great way to exercise your dog’s brain, which can tire a dog out more than a long walk. Training should be fun and rewarding, for both dog and human. Give it a try, you just might love it!

Pepper’s Paws, LLC provides in home dog training in Rehoboth Beach, DE. We also offer Zoom private dog training lessons for people who do not live in our Delaware Beaches in home lessons service area.

Head trainer Deb Murray, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA is certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, an AKC Evaluator,  and a Distinguished Graduate and Mentor Trainer for the Catch Canine Academy.

7 Things You Can Do to Prevent Dog Bites

Some sobering facts:

  • Each year 4.5 million people in the US are bitten by dogs and 1 in 5 of those bites require medical attention.
  • Of the 800,000+ people bitten who need medical attention, at least half of them are children.
  • Children are the most common victims of dog bites, and are more likely to be severely injured, and about 75% of them are bitten by dogs they are familiar with .
  • As the number of dogs in the home increases, so does the likelihood of being bitten. Adults with two or more dogs in the household are five times more likely to be bitten than those living without dogs at home.

Dog bites are preventable. Set up your family and your dog for success by following these 7 tips.

Set your family up for success:

1. Adopt the right dog

Research dog breeds before select your new dog or puppy. Be realistic about the needs of the breed and breed traits – are you active enough to satisfy a border collies need for mental and physical stimulation? Would a senior dog be more your speed?

Do you have the time the dog will need to be adequately exercised & trained? If you don’t have the time to exercise your dog every day, is dog daycare something that will fit into your budget?

Sociability – is the dog you are considering friendly & politely soliciting attention? Does he seem reluctant to be petted? Is she bouncing off of you with excitement? Is a shy dog or an over-exuberant dog a good fit for you? (i.e. are you up to the task of lots of socialization time and effort to help the shy dog feel more confident and exuberant dog to learn how to be calm?)

What can you find out about the dog’s history? Things like multiple re-homings, abusive situations, or a dog with a bite history can all be a lot for a new dog owner to take own. If you aren’t sure what you are in for with dogs like these, ask a trainer to help you evaluate the dog before you sign on the adoption contract dotted line.

Considering bringing home 2 dogs at the same time? If so, be ready to take on three times the work for training, exercise. A better idea is to adopt one dog, train, and get used to one dog. Then, if you still want a 2nd dog, you are better positioned for success in bringing home #2.

2. Learn how to read dog body language. Understanding and being able to read dog body language is essential to preventing dog bites.

  • Do you recognize the signs of fear and stress in dogs?
  • Do you know that a wagging tail doesn’t always mean a dog is friendly?
  • Doggonesafe has great resources on reading body language and keeping kids safe.

3. Teach your children how to safely and appropriately interact with dogs

  • Hugging, ear pulling, tail pulling, climbing on the dog all put your child at risk for a dog bite.
  • Even if your dog is tolerate of your kids doing these things, teach you kids they are not appropriate behavior – not all dogs will tolerate children behaving like this.
  • Teach your children respect for strange dogs – ask before petting, appropriate petting, and knowing when they should get away and how to safely do it will all help keep your children safe around dogs.
  • Always actively supervise kids and dogs – the ASPCA recommends that kids younger than 10 should never be left alone with a dog – even their own dog.

How to Set your dog up for success:

4. Socialization is key for puppies – take a puppy class that includes supervised off leash play & encourages kids to come to class

  • Puppy classes can help prevent puppies from developing fear issues as adolescents and adults
  • They teach puppies to be more comfortable with new dogs and people.

5. Training

  • Plan to do it – even if you adopt older dog. Dedicating 1 hour per week for 6 weeks (the length of a typical basic manners class) and doing the homework for class is a great way to get your new dog’s training career started with you – and the accountability of going to class will help ensure you do the work each week!
  • Have kids take part in training once you know the basics (it’s easier to coach/teach kids to do something you already know rather than have them learn from you while you are learning – and supervise them while they train the dog.
  • Use positive reinforcement training techniques– they can be safer for kids and less stress on dogs and people.
  • Don’t punish growling – this just tells your dog it isn’t safe to growl when he feels afraid or threatened – and can him more likely to bite. Instead, work to understand why the dog is growling and solve the behavior issue at the root rather than just suppressing the expression of it.

6. Get to know your dog

  • What does your dog like? Not like? Men? Loud noises? Children? By knowing what your dog doesn’t like, you can prevent him from feeling threatened, and with the help of a trainer, help him learn to more comfortable with previously scary things.
  • If you don’t know if your dog likes other dogs don’t take him to a dog park to find out. Ask a trainer for help in determining how your dog feels about other dos.
  • If your dog was in pain, would you recognize it? Vet check ups are important to maintain your dog’s health – and also reduce the risk of pain or injury related aggressive incidents.
  • Use daycare, do walkers/you walking, play time to tire your dog out before high activity times in your home or times when you know you won’t be able to pay attention to your dog.
  • Crate train your dog – and teach kids that crates are dogs safe places so no kids allowed in or on crates.
  • Learn ways to occupy your dog – food puzzles, stuffed kongs, and safe chew toys can all be great ways to keep your dog busy.

7. When you think (or know) you have a problem with your dog, get help BEFORE your dog bites

  • Trust your gut – if you think some of your dog’s behavior to be dangerous or threatening, you are probably right.
  • Does your dog growl when you come near his toys or food bowl? Growl at strangers? Get help before he bites
  • Is your dog fearful, skittish, or untrusting of strangers? A good trainer can help your dog learn to be more comfortable and teach you how to recognize when your dog needs help.

It is impossible to say that your dog will never bite someone. The better your understand canine body language, know your dog, and set your dog and your family up for success, the more you reduce your risk of dog bites.

Pepper’s Paws, LLC provides in home dog training in Rehoboth Beach, DE. We also offer Zoom dog training lessons for people who do not live in our Delaware Beaches in home service area.

Head trainer Deb Murray, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA is certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, an AKC Evaluator, and a Distinguished Graduate and Mentor Trainer for the Catch Canine Academy.

How is it going with that puppy from Santa? 5 things you can do to survive the first few months with your new puppy

Christmas morning, 3 weeks ago almost to the day, there under the Christmas tree was the puppy that Santa left for the kids.

No doubt the morning was thrilled with hugs and kisses and squeals of joy. How are things going now? Has the reality set in that, on behalf of kids, mom and dad have made a 10-15 year commitment to another mouth to feed? Have you had buyer’s remorse? Has the thought of getting Santa to take the puppy back crossed your mind? It’s OK to answer “yes!” to both of these questions. Really, it is. Moments are regret, buyer’s remorse, mouthing “this was your idea! Why did I say yes to a puppy?!?!” to your spouse over a pool of puppy pee – the 5 th pool of puppy pee you have cleaned up today – are all normal responses to the stress that adding a puppy to your already busy home can do to an otherwise caring and loving parent. Relax, you can handle this. Don’t give up. You can do this.

This time of year rescues start getting calls from newly minted puppy owners at their wits end. Or the call doesn’t come and the puppy shows up on the breeder or shelter’s doorstep. By March the surrendering is in full force. But it doesn’t have to end this way.

5 things you can do to survive the first few months with your new puppy

  1. Sign up for a puppy class. Well run, safe puppy classes can be a great way to learn to communicate with and understand your new puppy. Teaching your puppy to sit, lie down, and walk on a leash will make living with your puppy much more pleasant and manageable. Puppy classes are also a great place to ask questions – lots of questions about housebreaking, crate training, barking, nipping, and jumping – all the things you are dealing with right now – and you can do it for the low price of puppy class admission!
  2. Put your puppy on a schedule – for potty breaks, meals, exercise and play. Dogs do much better when they have a routine and a schedule – and you will find you do too!
  3. Daycare – once your vet says your puppy has enough vaccinations on board, a safe, well-run daycare can be a great place for your puppy to get tired out (and learn great dog social skills) and you get a much-deserved break!
  4. Help your puppy get used to being left alone in his or her crate. One of the worst calls to get as a trainer is “my dog goes bananas when I leave him alone”. Separation anxiety, where your dog cannot tolerate you leaving him alone to the extent that he will hurt himself to get out of a crate to follow you, can be heartbreaking and frustrating for owners. The good news is almost all cases are preventable. It is not only OK to leave your puppy alone in the crate for short periods of time – it is a great thing to do! The sooner your puppy learns that you leaving is no big deal because you always come back the better!
  5. Have your puppy meet lots and lots of people! The more happy and positive encounters your dog has with people of all shapes and sizes as a puppy the more likely he or she will be to meet strangers throughout his or her life. Socializing your puppy is key to his or her – and your – long-term happiness together.

Now you have 5 things you can do to move past feelings of remorse for getting a puppy – get started on them today! The trainer you hire – either via a class or a private in home lesson – can mean the difference between 15 years of happiness with your dog and sad little faces in March when the puppy goes away. Please, ask for help.

Pepper’s Paws, LLC provides in home dog training in Rehoboth Beach, DE. We also offer Zoom dog training lessons for people who do not live in our private lessons service area.

Head trainer Deb Murray, CBCC-KA, CPDT-KA is certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, an AKC Evaluator, a Distinguished Graduate and Mentor Trainer of the Catch Canine Academy, and APDT C.L.A.S.S. Evaluator and Instructor.

Pepper’s Paws New Year’s Resolutions

2016 is here – what are your New Year’s Resolutions? What do you have planned for your dog?

Every year many of us make New Year’s Resolutions – to lose weight, exercise more, read more, watch less TV – the list is endless! As you make Resolutions for yourself, how about some for your dog? Training goals, one-on-one sessions, getting involved with dog sports, taking a group obedience class (or getting to the next level) are all great ways to get you and your dog moving and enjoying each other’s company like never before! We at Pepper’s Paws have some dog related goals and plans we’d like to share with you – and perhaps even inspire you too!

My family has 4 great dogs – and they don’t know it yet, but I have big plans for them in 2016!  We just added an Agility for Fun 1 class – click here for more info.  All 4 dogs will start to learn some basics of Agility.


Pepper:  Pepper is ball crazy and loves to play. Pepper started learning the Agility jumps today and had a blast!  She is about 10 years old but don’t let her age fool you – this year in addition to starting Agility and my goal is for her to finally get her Intermediate Trick Dog Title from DoMoreWithYourDog.com  (Stay tuned for more on Trick classes this year).


Shadow: Shadow isn’t quite as nimble as Pepper, but he will do anything for food.  We are going to work to improve his excitement when he sees other dogs and increase his overall activity level through Agility! Shadow already has his Intermediate Trick Dog Title and he’ll start on his Advanced title this year!


Bear: Bear is going to learn to do Agility as well as Nosework (Pepper’s Paws is planning to offer a Nosework class this year – look for more info on this soon!) And Bear will be helping me with private lessons – he is a calming influence and is great at not reacting to reactive dogs.


Sammy: Ah Sammy, my fearful, reactive, unsure little guy!  He is going to do Agility in private sessions with me as well as Nosework, and you may even see him attend a group class with us too! Sammy is already working on his Intermediate Trick Title.

Pepper’s Paws has new series of Agility for Fun classes and programs to kick off 2016.  We have tricks classes, dog sports training classes, advanced obedience and K9 Fit Club (for people and their dogs to work out together) planned for later this year. Click here to see our complete list of our next round classes. Will any of these classes and programs help you and your pup achieve your New Year’s resolutions? We hope so. What are your New Year’s Resolutions? Tell us in the comments below!

Pepper’s Paws, LLC provides in home dog training in Rehoboth Beach, DE and surround communities. We also offer dog training programs for basic manners and behavior modification via Zoom.

Head trainer Deb Murray, CPDT-KA is certified by the Certification Council of Professional Dog Trainers, an AKC Evaluator, a Distinguished Graduate and Mentor Trainer of the Catch Canine Academy, and Certified Fear Free trainer.